Ali Sarajlic is one of the heroes who did everything to extinguish the wildfires in Konjic and save their neighbors’ homes.
However, even though he is only 15 years old, he bravely went into battle with the firestorm, side by side with his father and neighbors, news portal reports.
In recent days, fires have threatened populated areas in Herzegovina, and locals have been assisted by small and poorly equipped firefighters.
Among those who fought the fires in the forest above the village of Buscak was fifteen-year-old Ali Sarajlic from Parsovici, who, he said, gave his neighbors assistance without thinking.
“The forest was burning, more than 1,500 hectares, the fire was spreading and we decided to help. This site is not accessible to firefighters, so we organized ourselves and without some professional equipment went on the field. We used mostly rakes, clearing the ground 50 to 60 meters in front of the fire to stop it. We fought for four or five days without any help,” Sarajlic said. He went with his neighbors and father to the field to save the settlement together.
After a sleepless night, he fell asleep on the ground leaning on a rock.