Leading global organizations for the preservation of the natural environment support the Coalition for the Protection of Rivers of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and have sent an urgent call to the Government of Federation of BiH to permanently ban the construction of small hydropower plants and protect “Europe’s last free rivers”, Radio Sarajevo reports.
They demand that the conclusion of the Federal Parliament, adopted on June 23 this year, on a complete ban on the construction of small hydropower plants (SHPPs) in FBiH be urgently implemented, either by amending existing laws or passing new ones that will prevent further uncontrolled construction.
They warned that otherwise, they would continue to endanger thousands of kilometers of wild rivers, the quality of life of local communities, the right to access drinking water, the country’s tourist potential, as well as nature and wildlife that depend on healthy watercourses.
Famous Hollywood actor Leonardo DiCaprio supported on his official Facebook profile the fight against the construction of small hydropower plants in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and on that occasion published a video: