After more than 30 years of legal battle, the City Hall building in Sarajevo is now fully owned by the City Administration of the City of Sarajevo.
Last year, the city administration of Sarajevo started registering property, for the first time after the aggression. In July, the building of socio-political organizations (DPO) in Sarajevo became the property of the city by the decision of the City Council of the City of Sarajevo, and now the City Hall has also become the property of the city.
“After more than 30 years of struggle and discussion, this is the biggest legal victory for our city,” Mayor Benjamina Karic wrote on her social media.
“After the DPO building in Skenderija, we are also the owners of the most beautiful building in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH). With this act, we have ensured the survival of the City institution. Thank you to the Attorney General of the City of Sarajevo, and especially to Attorney Admir Jusufbegovic for his work, knowledge, and effort. We are returning to our city what it belongs to it,” said the mayor.