Color Crew is the first professional bodypaint group in Bosnia and Herzegovina that was formed as an experimental project in 2009. The members of this interesting group are: Emina Huskić, Dženan Hadžihasanović and Emir Mutevelić.
They stage their performances at art galleries and open spaces. Painted as monkeys and holding bananas in their hands for their show called ”3 Monkeys”, they have provoked a lot of interest of the public and did not leave without making a great impression.
After this performance, they said that they wanted to test the interest of people in Bosnia and Herzegovina for this king of art. Because of the positive feedback, their activities grew, and they eventually, through their performances achieved to communicate and interact with the audience.
They are an art group striving to blend art goals by transferring particular social messages through bodypaint and through their appearance in the public. The main idea of this new innovative, art group is to present the body as the media in space. The emphasis here is put on body talk and the interaction with the audience.
The process of body painting is always different and depends on the concept of the performance. The concept is something that the three members always agree on, because they share the same sensibility, ideas and goals.
The show ”Three Monkeys” presents an idea of the senseless state of the system, where the emphasis is on the current global situation, where a small group dictates the paste for the bigger one. They have performed this show in Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, and their plan is to perform outside the region.
One of the most important performances was the performance entitled ” Let’s warm the Museum”.
The Color Crew group has its own premises within the Art Gallery ”Charlama ” in Skenderija.