Organizers stated that preparations for the fair began already in April this year and that this will be the best fair in terms of organization held so far.
More than 80 exhibitors will present their products at the event that made Goražde recognizable in the entire region. All exhibition capacities are already filled and, in addition to exhibitors from BiH, business people from Albania, Montenegro, Macedonia and Serbia will also present their products at this year’s fair.
Mirsad Hubanić, President of the Association “Apple Days”, stated that agricultural and food industry mostly have the primate at this year’s fair as well, while some organizations from the field of tourism, rural development and non-governmental sector will also present themselves.
For the eight consecutive year a significant event related to the fair is a quiz for students of high agricultural schools.
This year’s event “Apple Days” is supported by the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations of BiH, as well as by the Foreign Trade Chamber of BiH, the Chamber of Commerce of the Bosna-Podrinje Canton, Government of the Bosna-Podrinje Canton, and the Municipality of Goražde.