Gordana Tadic, Chief Prosecutor of the Prosecutor’s Office of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), was dismissed of her duties as chief prosecutor yesterday by the decision of the First Instance Disciplinary Commission for prosecutors of the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council of BiH, and her lawyer Vlado Adamovic stated that he would appeal after reading the dismissal decision.
Also, he said that the law was violated because they, as parties in the procedure, did not get this decision.
“We did not receive a decision and those announcements and statements do not bind me. I don’t know if that is true until I get the decision, ” told Adamovic.
Adamovic pointed out that he read on one portal that the decision was delivered to the leaders of the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council (HJPC), as well as the disciplinary prosecutor.
“There is no doubt that law has been violated. I read the decisions on the portal ‘Istraga.ba’… The law says that the decisions are delivered to the parties during the procedure. Everything is clear. Of course, the law was violated, “Adamovic emphasized.
Further, he added that it was not clear to him why they were delivering this decision to the HJPC leaders instead of the parties in the proceedings.
”Tadic was given a disciplinary measure of transfer from the position of Chief Prosecutor of the Prosecutor’s Office of BiH to the position of Prosecutor of the Prosecutor’s Office of BiH,” it was announced by the HJPC.
She was charged with “negligence in the performance of official duties”, as well as “failure, for unjustified reasons, to act according to the decisions, orders, or requests of the Council” of the Law on the HJPC BiH.
An appeal against this decision can be filed to the Second Instance Disciplinary Commission of the HJPC BiH within one day from the day of receiving this decision.