The comedy “Tamo i nazad” written by Stevan Koprivica and directed by Jug Radivojević, will be performed on Tuesday, 11th December at 20:00 p.m. in Banja Luka Sports Hall ” Obilićevo”.
This black humor comedy, in which popular actors Andrija Milošević and Marinko Madžgalj play the leading roles, talks about the funny but sour recapitulation of the lives of the famous actors. In the beginning of the drama, Koprivica presents the characters in a confused and unconscious state after a traffic accident. In order not be ”stuck” between life and death, they have to ” cleanse their souls” in order to survive or to die. The tickets for this black humor comedy can be purchased at ” Obilićevo” and the number of seats is limited.
sounds interesting!