Two trainings on legal reasoning and legal drafting of court decisions were organised in December within the initial training of judges and prosecutors. The workshop for criminal cases was organised on 7 – 8 December 2021 in Čardaci and for civil cases on 20-21 in Banjaluka for 17 newly appointed first instance judges.
The trainings underlined that the court must give sufficient reasons for the rendered judgment, having adequately considered the merits of the case. Additionally, the trainings explore the obligations of domestic courts regarding the extent and content of the reasoning they provide considering the Article 6. 1 of the European Convention of Human Rights – Right to a Fair Trial.
The trainings were organised in cooperation with the Judicial and Prosecutorial Training Centres of Republika Srpska and Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina under the project: “Initiative for Legal Certainty and Efficient Judiciary in Bosnia and Herzegovina – Phase II”, funded by the Kingdom of Norway.