Domestic company Dita Tuzla detergent factory has received approval from the Government of the Tuzla Canton for the production of ethyl alcohol (ethanol), which will be used as a raw material for the production of disinfectants.
In view of the new situation regarding the geographical spread of the coronavirus epidemic, Government of Tuzla Canton has recognized the need for additional precaution and prevention measures.
In this regard, Tuzla Canton Ministry of Health Crisis Staff consulted with Dita Detergent Factory regarding the production of disinfectants for the needs of the Tuzla region.
Understanding the situation, Dita has made available all its production facilities in order to supply the Tuzla Canton market with disinfectants. The necessary raw material for the production of disinfectants is ethyl alcohol, that is, ethanol, which Dita imported from suppliers outside BiH.
Considering the uncertainty of securing and supplying these raw materials, the Government, having in mind that Dita has the premises, equipment and professionally qualified staff capable of producing ethyl alcohol by alcoholic boiling, decided to give approval to the domestic manufacturer to start production, was stated from the Cantonal Government.
The newly emerged situation has once again indicated the need for the development of domestic production capacities, and the Government of Tuzla Canton is thus urging all citizens to help the development of domestic economy by purchasing domestic items.