There is no reorganization of government in BiH, nor the President of the Union of Independent Social Democrats, Milorad Dodik is asking for it, and the current stable coalition at the BiH level is not possible without the Alliance for a Better Future (SBB), said member of the Presidency of BiH and the president of HDZ Dragan Covic, yesterday in Banja Luka.
He categorically claims that Dodik is not asking for reorganization of government on the level of BiH.
“I assure you that by the end of this mandate, the government will remain the same, but we need to sit more often and talk so that it works”, said Covic to reporters in Banja Luka, emphasizing that there must be cooperation between the entity and state authorities, regardless of different political options.
He says that after the interview, he took a walk with the President of RS and SNSD, Milorad Dodik, down the main street of Banja Luka, to show that “relations are not tense.”
Emphasizing that there would hardly be a stable coalition without SBB, Covic said that he would do everything in order to keep SBB in the coalition, at least until 2018.
Necessary reforms for BiH, he said, cannot be implemented without adequate majority in which this party is.
He believes that they will reach a solution for the city of Mostar and amendments to the Election Law of BiH, and some other acts need to be changed as well, which requires a two-thirds majority.
“I am convinced that the citizens of Mostar will come out on the upcoming elections and we will have amendments to the Election Law, in order to acknowledge the decision of the Constitutional Court,” said Covic, adding that there will be no more “going back” and that they must reach a solution in this month.
He also discussed this issue in Banja Luka with President of the RS and SNSD, Milorad Dodik.