Undoubtedly the world’s most famous explorer of all time, author of a bestseller has sold more than 60 million copies, the Swiss Erich von Daniken visited the Bosnian Valley of the Pyramids on 28 April, 2014. His host was the founder of the pyramids in B&H and founder of the Foundation ‘Archeological Park: Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun’’ Dr. Semir Osmanagić.
Daniken and Osmanagić spent more than five hours together and visited the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun and the underground labyrinth Ravne.
Prior to arriving to Visoko, Daniken wrote to Osmanagić and said that after every lecture he holds, he is always asked about the Bosnian pyramids. Since he had not visited, he could not say anything about the discovery. After several hours of touring he formed his own opinion. In a statement to the media, Erich von Daniken said:
‘’I am very, very impressed by this discovery. I am investigating the mysteries of the world for 50 years and I know very well what is natural and what has been created artificially. The tunnels and walls are undoubtedly artificial. Sections of the Bosnian Pyramid that I visited were covered with concrete blocks. I do not understand the government of B&H that does not give financial support to this project and does not invest several thousands of dollars in this discovery. I have heard a lot of skeptics on this subject on the topic of the Bosnian pyramids. These are various opinions, but opinions in science have no weight. It takes scientific arguments. Here the facts are irrefutable. The tunnels exist, the shape of the pyramids and orientation towards the cardinal points exist’’.
After his visit to the Bosnian pyramids, several of the world’s leading independent researchers are coming to visit Visoko. Among them are the inventor of the megalithic circles on the soil of South Africa Michael Tellinger, Russian explorer and builder of pyramids Valery Uvarov, Austrian researcher of prehistoric artifacts Klaus Dona, Slovenian expert for megaliths and power lines Marko Pogačnik, to name a few. Several thousand tourists have announced their visit to the Bosnian Valley in 2014.