Gallery ”Preporod” in Sarajevo is the host of the calligraphy exhibition entitled ” Vizualnost slova” (Visualization of letters), which will be open for public till the 29th December. The exhibition presented 45 art works by seven authors of the school of calligraphy. The school of calligraphy is a project which has been run for five months by Ćazim Hadžimejlić.
The exhibition carries a message primarily addressed to the citizens of B&H, but also to the area of the region, that more than 500 years exists the art of calligraphy in our country. The organizers of this event also stressed the fact that the art of calligraphy in B&H is a one part of tradition and culture that needs to be nurtured. Author such as Vanesa Kazagić, Dalila Dedić-Stanković, Vekas Bugarić, Lejla Memić, Azra Kafedžić and Lejla Deljanin contributed to the exhibition with the presentation of their art works.