There are 15 citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina on Interpol’s red warrants, including several sounding names such as those linked to the war in the Middle East. According to “Nezavisne
He was arrested in the “Damascus” operation in 2014, but he was released and has been in Syria since 2016.
Due to organizing a terrorist group, but also joining foreign paramilitary formations, Alija Keserovic (26) from Trnovi near Velika Kladusa is also on the list.
Edin Muftic (46) from Gradacac is also on the red Interpol wanted list when he is charged with recruiting for terrorist activities, ie for financing terrorism and organizing a terrorist group.
Among others, Interpol warrants include Sulejman Mesanovic (33) from Gradacac, and Edin Pecenkovic (58) from Bihac, but also Muradif Hamzabegovic, whose wife Sena was arrested recently at the Tuzla airport because she is charged with financing terrorist activities.
“Nezavisne” states that it was confirmed to them that Sena Hamzabegovic is being charged, ie that there is evidence that she was in Syria, as well as that she forwarded