The marking of the 26th anniversary of the genocide against Bosniaks of the “United Nations (UN) Safe Zone” Srebrenica from July 1995 is conditioned by the coronavirus pandemic and the measures in force in order to prevent the spread of the pandemic, as the Organizing Committee said.
They emphasize that preparations for the marking of the genocide anniversary are going according to plan and that everything will be ready for the commemoration and funeral on July 11th.
“During the marking of the 25th anniversary of the genocide against Bosniaks in Srebrenica, many officials from all over the world sent their video messages during the commemoration. The commemoration of the victims of genocide as part of the 26th anniversary, despite the better epidemiological situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), will be realized based on last year’s commemoration, which means that foreign officials will be able to send video messages this year in case they are not able to attend the commemoration, ” it was pointed out by the Organizing Committee.
As they noted, the Organizing Committee for the 26th anniversary of the genocide against Bosniaks of the “UN Safe Zone” Srebrenica expects to receive responses to the invitation letters that were sent to diplomatic and consular missions, as well as the international organizations in BiH by July 1st this year, after which they will make the detailed program of commemoration.
“Organizing Committee for the marking of the 26th anniversary of the genocide against Bosniaks of the ‘UN Safe Zone’ Srebrenica in the preparation of all activities within the marking approaches responsibly intending to protect the health of people who will be present at the commemoration and funeral on July 11th. All activities and contents within the commemoration of the anniversary of the genocide, especially the “Peace March”, as well as cycling and motor marathons, will be held in accordance with epidemiological measures and instructions issued by the competent institutions at that time, ” it was said from the Organizing Committee.
Also, they informed the public and citizens that this year there will be no organized transport to Potocari on the day of commemoration, funeral, and burial of identified victims of genocide.
“It is our obligation to send a message from Srebrenica on July 11th this year, as in previous years, with a dignified marking of the anniversary of the genocide, because the victims deserve it,” it was stated from the Organizing Committee.