The accused is charged, in his capacity of a security officer of the 81st Division of the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, with war crimes committed against victims of Serb ethnicity, in 1995.
Prosecutor of the Special Department for War Crimes of the Prosecutor’s Office of Bosnia and Herzegovina has issued an Indictment against Mehmed Dobrača, born in 1964 in Rogatica, a citizen of Bosnia and Herzegovina
This accused person is charged with acting in violation of the rules of the international humanitarian law and the provisions of the Geneva Conventions relative to the protection of prisoners of war and civilian persons in time of war, during the war and armed conflict in Bosnia and Herzegovina, while he was an officer and Assistant Security Commander of the 81st Division of the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
According to the allegations in the Indictment, the accused is charged with torturing, beating and mistreating Serb prisoners and civilians on the premises of the Military Remand Prison, which was situated in the former Personal and Property Insurance Company (ZOIL) building in Goražde, and at other locations, thus inflicting severe bodily and mental injuries on them.
The Indictment alleges that the accused was personally present and that he ordered and approved of the torture and inhumane treatment of the Serb victims, as well as that he encouraged the members of the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina to mistreat the prisoners.
The aforementioned accused is charged with the commission of the criminal offense of War Crimes against Civilians, as referred to in Article 173 of the Criminal Code of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the criminal offense of War Crimes against Prisoners of War, as referred to in Article 175 of the Criminal Code of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The Indictment has been forwarded to the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina for confirmation and the Indictment has subsequently been confirmed.