The minister of security of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) Dragan Mektic held a meeting with a Macedonian delegation led by the minister of internal affairs Oliver Spasovski. Their commitment towards the best possible cooperation, especially in the field of security, was emphasized and an agreement that will allow citizens of BiH to enter Macedonia with only an ID and citizens of Macedonia to enter BiH with only an ID was signed.
The two ministers emphasized the good cooperation up to now, but also noted that in the future, agreements must be implemented in a more detailed fashion in order to successfully deal with all challenges.
“BiH and Macedonia are a part of a joint project in the field of security in the Western Balkans. We have good cooperation with Macedonia, we signed many bilateral agreements and today we talked about lowering that cooperation to the level of police experts in actual problem-solving scenarios. We’ll send our experts to Macedonia and Macedonian experts will come to BiH, especially those relating to the center for learning. We’re on the Balkan migrant route and, even though we’re only a transit country, we have those challenges,” Mektic said.
Spasovski also emphasized the cooperation with BiH and announced the signing of an agreement which will allow the citizens of one country to visit the other with only an ID.
“Security is the most important segment of every society and that why it’s important to have the best cooperation. We recently signed an agreement about the mutual recognition of drivers’ licenses and we’ll sign another agreement to allow BiH citizens to travel to Macedonia only with IDs,” Spasovski said.
Many operative projects have been announced for the upcoming period, including trainings in police academies, joint responses to terrorism, radicalism and the problem of illegal migrants.