This year, the Prosecutor’s office in BiH will be given 190 000 BAM for the exhumation of victims of war.
Boris Grubesic, spokesman for the Prosecutor’s Office, said that they did not get enough funds requested from the Council of Ministers, that is why they requested funds from the Presidency of BiH.
According to Grubesic, the issue of exhumation to the Prosecutor’s Office is accessed professionally and with seriousness.
Milan Mandic, the president of the Association of Families of Missing Sarajevo-Romanija region, said that they are generally dissatisfied with the speed of searching for missing Bosniaks, Croats and Serbs.
Lejla Cengic, spokeswoman of the Institute for Missing Persons, said that currently there is a number of requests on hold, but it’s not because of the nationality of the victims.
“Priority of exhumation is not specified by the nationality of the victim. One can wait because of inaccessibility of terrain, mined areas or need to do additional checks,” explained Cengic.
As she said, Radača Cave near Mostar, which is assumed to contain the bodies of persons of Serbian nationality, is a place where exhumations lasts the longest.
“So far, we have only found a small bones that do not have any DNA. Currently we reached 71 meters deep,” said Cengic.
The Institute has its own resources for the process of searching for the missing persons, and shifts money to cantonal prosecutors for those remains that were exhumed before January 1, 2011, when the process of exhumation transferred to the jurisdiction of the State Prosecution.
After the war, BiH still searches for about seven thousand missing persons and until today, twenty two thousand victims have been found.
(Source: klix)