The Municipal Court in Sarajevo ordered a one-month detention for the BiH ambassador to Qatar and the former mayor of Sarajevo, Abdulah Skaka. The reason for ordering custody is the risk of escape, as well as the risk that he could influence witnesses, hide evidence and repeat the crime.
Skaka will be detained in Zenica prison for the next 30 days.
The Prosecutor’s Office presented its detailed report and stated in the proposal that there is a well-founded need for detention.
As they stated, the suspect does not deny the fact that he is still an accredited person, and that he can still move and can easily leave the country, since he is the ambassador in Qatar, and BiH does not have bilateral relations with that country.
He also has a sister in Istanbul, and we, as they stated, have legal difficulties with Turkey, and experience tells us that with that country we have convicted persons who have not been extradited.
In case of release, it is concluded, he would be unavailable because he could leave without any problems.
The Prosecution’s report also states that, at the behest of the suspect, masked persons influenced and intimidated the witnesses.
“This is a person who is ready to do anything to influence the outcome of the process,” they stated.
Earlier, we announced that the acting prosecutor of the CS Prosecutor’s Office suggested to the Municipal Court in Sarajevo that suspect Abdulah Skaka be detained for one month.
Skaka is under investigation by the Prosecutor’s Office due to several criminal-legal actions during the term of office of the mayor of Sarajevo.
Skaka’s defense attorney Senka Nožica then addressed the court. Commenting on the things that are being blamed on Skaka, she said that the mayor had the right to consult with experts and had the right to cooperate.
“He had the right to associates, because there is a legal basis for that. As far as that is concerned, he acted in accordance with the Law. Every manager needs advisors. If that is wrong, then every appointment since 1995 is a criminal offence. Any criminal connotation is wrong,” she pointed out.
She further added that the money transferred by the city of Sarajevo to anyone is not subject to the opinion of the Attorney General.
“It is a matter of misinterpretation. The prosecutor’s office is malicious in that matter,” claims Nožica.
She added that the mayor must obtain the consent of the City Council for contracts of greater value. The prosecution, she claims, is misinterpreting accounting standards, everything is recorded regularly.
“The prosecutor’s office is clearly venturing into the realms of politics,” said Nožica.
She added that he responded twice before this hearing, which shows that he had no escape plan. According to her, he decided to return to BiH and fully cooperated.
She stated that they have other options besides detention, that his documents can be confiscated.
Skaka added that he is of medium income, Klix.bareports.