The audience will have the opportunity to watch the drama “Odette&Odile” on the stage of the Sarajevo War Theater again on the 4th December at 20:00 p.m.
The drama had its premiere at the Sarajevo War Theater on the 10thSeptember 2012. This drama was also performed at this years’ International Theater Festival MESS, where it received good criticism. ” Odette&Odile” was written based on the motives of the movie
” Balck swan” directed by Darren Aronofsky. The directors and choreographers of ”Odette&Odile” are Amila Terzimehić and Ena Kurtalić. They are also the two leading roles in this drama. This drama uses physical movement as the basic instrument on the stage and it was highly inspired by Aronofsky’s ” Black swan”.
Two swans, Odette, white one, innocent and gentle, played by Ena Kurtalić, and Odile, the black swan, which is sensual, free and seductive, played by Amila Terzimehić, carry us though the story about reason and emotions, restrictions and freedom, courage and fear, about the artist, or the person that suddenly discovers the hidden layers of the self, who start to come out on the surface and suddenly become visible to everyone. They do not only become visible but they also become the dominant features of the personality.
Two young and talented actresses, Ena Kurtalić and Amila Terzimehić bring to the stage of the Sarajevo War Theater this classical story about artistic ambition, the fight of the artist with the ambitious self, the great wish to achieve perfection and control every aspect of making art and building its own personality. These two talented actresses took the roles of directors and prepared this piece of art, with the help of their mentor Jasna Žalica.