The BiH Central Election Commission (CEC) postponed the upcoming local elections for 15 November 2020 to allow time for overcoming the challenges related to the financing of the organization of elections as well as challenges caused by COVID-19 pandemic.
The OHR wishes to remind all relevant bodies, including the Council of Ministers, the Presidency, and the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina of their legal obligation to ensure adequate financing of the elections. That would enable the CEC to carry out all necessary preparations for the conduct and holding of local elections in a smooth and timely fashion with the aim to enable citizens in BiH to exercise their guaranteed rights under the BiH Constitution. It is of crucial importance that institutions on all levels fully cooperate with the CEC as is legally required to carry out this core democratic function in BiH.
The OHR further wishes to underscore that any challenges concerning the appointment process of members to the CEC is solely the purview of the court, and thus all CEC members operate in full standing pending the court’s findings.