The Prosecutor’s Office of Bosnia and Herzegovina has put forward a Motion with the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina, seeking the measure of custody to be ordered against Josip Baric, as part of the investigation into the death of Dzenan Memic.
The measure of custody has been proposed for the reasons stipulated in Article 132 of the Criminal Procedure Code of Bosnia and Herzegovina, that is, due to the danger that, if at large, the suspect might hinder the investigation, conceal evidence
Speaking about Josip Barić, lawyer Ifet Feraget says that he is a police officer who participated in the investigation from the very
“This is someone who took a statement from Alisa Mutap, who made various statements. He took one statement on February 9,
He also points out a very important thing, and that is that Baric did not exclude all the evidence from that procedure.
“He’s the one who had to take out Alice’s sweater with traces of blood, he knows why he didn’t take it out. I also know what he did, but I can’t say. Just as I know why the footage from the Crystal Hotel was deleted. And then some say it doesn’t matter. What disappears and what is destroyed is the most important “, concluded Feraget in an interview for Klix
Two persons have been remanded in custody in this case. The Prosecutor’s Office of Bosnia and Herzegovina has expanded the investigation in this case and it will continue conducting investigative actions in the period to follow.
On February 15th was the fifth anniversary of the death of Dzenan Memic, and only recently progress has been made in the investigation, which, as his family hopes, will lead to the discovery of the killers.
Memic was attacked in Velika Aleja in Ilidza on February 8th, 2016, after which he passed away on February 15th at the Clinical Center in Sarajevo, Klix.ba writes.
On the occasion of the anniversary of his death, the people from the Facebook page Justice for Dzenan Memic (Pravda za Dzenana Memica) announced themselves yesterday.
“Many beautiful memories, full of laughter and joy remain. You remain among us, and you left us so young. But hope and faith remain. Hope that we will soon see all those responsible behind the bars. Faith that we will meet there again. See you, our friend, and until then we keep you in our hearts,” it was published, among other things, on the mentioned page.
The investigation took so much time to move forward. However, at the beginning of February, two persons suspected of organized crime were officially arrested during a SIPA operation, who were in connection with the covering-up of a criminal offense, more precisely the circumstances under which Memic was killed.
Hasan Dupovac, the former head of the Traffic Accident Department of the Canton Sarajevo (CS) Ministry of the Internal Affairs, and Zijad Mutap, the father of Alisa Mutap, who was present during the attack on Dzenan, were arrested.
It is hoped that these arrests will be an introduction to the final clarification of this case.