Adhering to the requirements of international statistical reporting standards, the Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina (CBBH) has taken a step forward in improving the statistics of the Other Financial Institutions (OFI) sector in BH by introducing statistics on a quarterly basis, rather than on a semi-annual basis. This progress was made thanks to the support of all institutions covered by OFI statistics (26 insurance companies with reinsurance companies, 35 investment funds, 7 leasing companies, 24 micro-credit organizations, 8 brokerages and two stock exchanges).
At the end of the first quarter of 2019, OFI sector assets amount to KM 4.20 billion, which is a slight increase compared to the end of 2018, being KM 47 million or 1.1%. The largest assets within the OFI sector belong to insurance companies, being KM 1.97 billion, with 46.8% share in total OFI sector assets, micro credit organizations of KM 975 million or 23.2%, followed by investment funds with KM 883 million or 21.1%, leasing companies with KM 354 million or 8.4%, stock exchanges with KM 10.7 million or 0.3%, and brokerage houses with remaining KM 9.1 million or 0.2%.
At the end of the first quarter of 2019, the largest share in the OFI assets structure have loans with KM 1.08 billion or 25.8%, deposits with KM 954 million or 22.7%, securities investments KM 604 million or 14.4%, investment in stocks of KM 593 million or 14.1%, non-financial assets 573 million KM or 13.7%, technical insurance reserves KM 146 million or 3.5%, while the remaining KM 241 million or 5.8% relates to other claims. The liability structure is as follows: equity participates with KM 1.75 billion or 41.7%, technical insurance reserves with KM 1.31 billion or 31.3%, loans with KM 722 million or 17.2% and other payables with KM 405 million or 9.8%.
Data for the OFI sector for the first quarter of 2019 are available on the CBBH website, and quarterly data will be available four months upon the expiration of the reporting quarter. BH’s OFI sector data is also published as part of the IMF’s publication International Financial Statistics.