President of the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina Mr. Ranko Debevec on Wednesday met with Mr. Darko Ćulum, the newly-appointed Director of the State Investigation and Protection Agency in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
President Debevec and Director Ćulum exchanged the experiences on the hitherto cooperation between SIPA and the Court of BiH in dealing with the most complex cases in the framework of their areas of responsibility, finding their cooperation to be good and successful. President Debevec said he was certain that cooperation would continue in the spirit of professional relations, but also that the change at the helm of the Agency would bring about further progress in the fields of professionalization, expertise and efficiency.
The two officials especially praised the operation of the Witness Protection Department, with which the Court of BiH has had intensive and successful cooperation in their work with the most vulnerable category of criminal proceeding subjects.
Voicing mutual interest in raising the inter-institutional cooperation to an ever higher level, they also discussed the modalities of future cooperation, with the aim of securing an efficient and timely reaction to retrograde tendencies.
Also noted was the significance of education of officers who work on the enforcement of judicial decisions through the organization of educational trainings and workshops, with the aim of obtaining evidence in a higher quality manner. Based on its rich practice and experience, the Court will always be providing a decisive contribution to these efforts, all for the purpose of making a sorely needed progress in all areas, especially with regard to professionalization, expertise and efficiency.
Mr. Ćulum thanked his host for the reception he has received, for the exchange of opinions, and for the information he received from President Debevec, pointing out that his office remains open for developing a good inter-institutional cooperation for the purpose of accomplishing mutual goals, in accordance with applicable laws.