Archbishop of Vrhbosna Cardinal Vinko Puljic at yesterdays Easter reception for representatives of state, entity and local authorities, religious institutions and the diplomatic corps, said that BiH needs to love and to be build up in order for everyone to feel safe and like at home.
“In this spirit, I want these gatherings to create a climate for celebration to become a life,” said Puljic at the Priest’s home of Vrhbosna archdiocese in Sarajevo.
Stating that this year’s Easter fell in the shadow of the verdict of The Hague Tribunal to Radovan Karadzic, he emphasized the need for the victory over evil to happen in human souls.
Although the man responsible for the crimes was sentenced, Cardinal emphasized that the roots of criminality live in ideology, and catharsis does not happen, to which, according to him, should lead human courts.
“We should change this mentality, which rules in the politics that is superior, we will give you”… No one has the authority to give what already belongs to people by the law, but the government must recognize and implement it,” said Puljic.
Under those circumstances, he concluded that “the right to work is not given but the conditions are created for these rights to be used,” as well as that “the right on religious, cultural and national identity is not given by a party nor state, but they are supposed to ensure the realization of those rights.”