At a regional conference of the European Trade Union Committee for Education (ETUCE) in Budapest the resolution to improve the conditions of education in BiH was adopted, which is focused on strengthening the legislation in the field of education in Bosnia and Herzegovina and its harmonization with the European standards in the field of education.
This document was adopted on the proposal of the Union of primary education of BiH and the Union of secondary and higher education, science and Culture of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Head of the Union of Primary Education Selvedin Šatorović said that the resolution supports the harmonization of regulatory legislation on all levels of education in BiH. It also supports the application of existing collective agreements and adoption of common pedagogical standards that will allow equal rights to education for all students in BiH.
The resolution will be submitted to the relevant authorities at all levels in Bosnia and Herzegovina and to the Office of the High Representative.
ETUCE is the organisation of teachers on the European level that represents and protects the interests of the teachers at the European Commission.
ETUCE is formed by 135 Teachers’ Unions in 45 countries with 13 million of teachers.