The publishing of results of the population census in Bosnia and Herzegovina will be in a successive order from mid-2015 to mid-2016, as it was predicted earlier, and the final results will be published in the census registry and on the web sites of all three statistical institutions in BiH, as well as on the web site Popis2013.
Hidajeta Čolović, the Assistant Director of the Institute of Statistics of FBiH, emphasized that the census was conducted in accordance with international recommendations, i.e. EU standards, and that international experts are included in the statistical control of data. Final data will be available in 16 registries.
The international monitoring mission, as was announced earlier, will make a compatible document, i.e. it will conduct the assessment of the quality of the census.
Besides web pages, on which “fast” records will be published, the Institute intends to create another online data base by the end of the year.
(Source: vijesti/ photo klix)