The mayor of Sarajevo, Benjamina Karic (SDP), presented an award, or, as she pointed out, a souvenir to the participants of the last season of the reality television show Survivor. Part of the public criticized her action, and in her interview statement, she explained why she did it.
Photos from the reception in the Sarajevo City Hall and the handing over of souvenirs were published on social networks. It was speculated that the Survivor participants received “gold coins”. The mayor was criticized by citizens who believe that the city should give recognition to those who have made great contributions to society.
Karic pointed out that those are the people who participated in a humanitarian campaign to collect funds for the treatment of a girl from Vogosca.
”They organized the tournament independently, bearing all the expenses. As a sign of gratitude for their humanity, I received them in the City Hall, because they did a noble deed,” she pointed out.
As she emphasized, it is not about any recognition, as it is being presented, but a souvenir in the form of a gold coin, worth no more than 10 BAM.
She said that she is sorry that good intentions and noble actions are trying to be presented as shame. According to her, she is not sure that any mayor has ever been asked why he organized a meeting and handed out symbolic gifts, writes.