The Mayor of Sarajevo, Benjamina Karić, announced on Friday night the reasons why she did not allow the Chamber of Commerce of Israel to illuminate the City Hall.
The Chamber of Commerce wanted to organize a celebration in the City Hall on the occasion of the National Day of Israel, with the illumination of the City Hall and fireworks, but Mayor Karić did not allow it and she explained her reasons and said that she did not want to “please them without question”.
“For example, I did not want to share with the public that friends from Israel wanted to paint our City Hall, not with the flag of Israel, but with scenes from the song Jerusalem of Gold, which, in addition to the official anthem of Israel, is also considered an unofficial anthem, and talks about the ‘conquest’ of the Temple Mount from side of the Jews. I didn’t allow that,” she said.
She also explained that the Temple Mount normally represents the most sensitive point of contact between Muslims and Jews in Jerusalem and is the scene of constant clashes.
“When it comes to fireworks, the explanation for not having my permission was simple. I will remind you that the City of Sarajevo has joined the cities that will not even organize New Year’s fireworks, due to the negative consequences for the population, animals and the environment. The pyrotechnic spectacle in the sky will replace lighting visual effects and confetti,” she stated.
In the end, she revealed that they asked the Chamber of Commerce of Israel for a completely unacceptable request, which is to cover the sign on the City Hall about how it was set on fire.
“Finally, I didn’t want to share the information that friends from the Israel Chamber of Commerce asked me to hide the plaque on the Town Hall that talks about historical facts. This was requested in order to satisfy the SNSD, whose members do not want the plaque on the Town Hall to enter the facility. I’m writing all this, not to justify myself because I have no reason to. I have my own position and I will never be afraid to make decisions,” said Karić.