“The best way to maintain motivation is daily work on yourself, to be surrounded by successful people, to travel as much as possible, and to constantly improve your knowledge”, said Adnan Mujanović from Tuzla.
In cooperation with successful young people from across BiH, as part of its Education and Employment campaign, the EU Info Centre organised 6 Motivational Days events for over 300 secondary school students from Grude, Čapljina, Tuzla, Brčko, Bihać and Laktaši. The students took part in a specially designed programme for high school students who have to make an important decision in the next few months; which profession to choose.
Most of the students face difficult choices – choose to further study something they like, or choose something that will enable them to be employed as soon as they obtain their degree.
Even though deficit professions mean almost certain employment, most of the students are reluctant when it comes to enrolling in vocational schools. Since there is still no alignment between the labour market and educational institutions, a large number of young people wait a while before taking up their first employment.
“Persistence and proactivity, as well as lifelong learning, can take you very far and there is nothing that you can’t achieve if you have strong will and a good idea”, said Marin Bevanda, IT Students and an Executive Director of an IT start-up.
The students had an opportunity to talk to representatives of Employment offices, who informed them of market labour needs, deficit professions, and internship and volunteering opportunities, underlining that it is important to properly train students to take initiative and responsibility for their education.
These Motivational Days provided young people on the first important crossroads in their life with information on specific occupations and current needs in the labour markets in the EU as well as in Bosnia and Herzegovina. They also inspired and encouraged young people to leave their comfort zone and think about their future, their opportunities and their career choices.