What is the Average Net Salary per Employee in BiH?
The average monthly net salary paid per employee for February 2023 in…
What is the Average Net Salary in BiH?
The average monthly net salary per employee in Bosnia and Herzegovina in…
How much has the Average Salary increased in the last Decade in BiH?
The average monthly net salary paid in Bosnia and Herzegovina in May…
Number of Building Permits issued in BiH records Decrease
Number of building permits issued in July of 2021, compared to the…
What is the Average Monthly paid Net Salary in BiH?
The average monthly paid off net salary in Bosnia and Herzegovina in…
What is the Average Monthly Net Salary in BiH?
The average monthly net salary in BiH in May this year amounted…
What is the Average Salary in BiH?
In April 2021, the average monthly paid off net earning per person…
Decrease of the Average Salary in Bosnia and Herzegovina
In February 2021, the average monthly gross earning per person in employment…
Consumer Basket cheaper by 123 BAM in Bosnia and Herzegovina
The trade union consumer basket calculated by the Federation of Independent Trade…
The Average monthly paid net Salary in Bosnia and Herzegovina in June is 955 BAM
The average monthly paid net salary in Bosnia and Herzegovina in…