Advancement of Digital Trends in BiH with the Support of the EU and the Germany
The first Digital Innovation Hubs Forum (DIH Forum) was held in Sarajevo…
Making The Digital Money Revolution Work for All
History moves in uneven steps. Just as the telegraph erased time and…
Public and Private Money Can Coexist in the Digital Age
We value innovation and diversity—including in money. In the same day, we…
UNDP and British Embassy launch Programme to Boost Digital Transformation in Public Sector in BiH
To support improvement and modernisation of public services for all citizens,…
One of the largest Gatherings of Historians in this Part of Europe held in Sarajevo
The traditional History Fest was held this year in digital…
‘Remembering Srebrenica: Europe’s shared history’ Digital Conference held
“One of the darkest moments of humanity and modern European history…
What are Steps to effective Digital Transformation of Governments in Bosnia and Herzegovina?
In the time of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, blockchain, virtual…
Low Internet Access Driving Inequality
COVID-19 and the Great Lockdown triggered a mass migration from analog to…
Conference entitled “Governments in BiH on the Digital Transformation Journey” held in Sarajevo
The first online conference entitled “Governments in BiH on the Digital…
Take a Virtual Walk through the Tunnel of Hope! (video)
After a virtual jump from the Old Bridge in Mostar, researchers from…