Bosnian Anto Sakic is the first Man to win the Mont Blanc with the Help of Crutches
Sometimes in life, we encounter some challenges that seem impossible to us…
Only Sky is the Limit for Girl from Banja Luka who conquered the Mont Blanc
Dijana Vrhovac from Banja Luka will remember this July 28 for the…
Bihac Mountaineering Expedition is preparing to conquer Mont Blanc
Preparations of the first women expedition from Bihac on Mont Blanc in…
Mountaineer Mazalovic after visiting Mont Blanc: BiH has the most Beautiful Mountains in Europe
A group of mountaineers from the Mountaineering Sports Association "Zlatni ljiljan" from…
Group of BH Alpinists conquered Mont Blanc!
A group of ten BH alpinists organized an expedition to the peak…