Where is Sarajevo on List of Most Wheelchair-Friendly Cities in Europe?
Sarajevo is in third place, closely beating Barcelona to the top 3.…
Where is Sarajevo on List of Most Wheelchair-Friendly Cities in Europe?
Sarajevo came in third place, closely beating Barcelona to the top 3.…
Bosnian finished “Wings of Life” Race in Wheelchairs
Around 60 people from Zenica took part in the “Wings for Life”…
Fatma Bulic – Woman from Tuzla who breaks all Barriers with her Wheelchair
People with disabilities are often marginalized group in our society. Fatma Bulic…
Gift from a Boy from England changed Life of Nine- year old Sofija
A nine-year-old girl who is suffering from a very rare and severe…
Young Dalibor constructs wheelchair operated by the mind!
Despite being almost completely deaf, Dalibor Dumić, a young engineer from Bihać and one of the…