Over 25 experts working in bodies fighting corruption and representatives of the media discussed public informing on the activities in this field at the Round table of experts held on 14th May in Sarajevo. The gathering was organised within IPAK, Support to the implementation of anti-corruption strategies project, financed by the European Union.
Analyses made during the project indicate that anti-corruption bodies and institutions insufficiently communicate the results of their activities, be it due to insufficient independence, lack of capacities and skills, or readiness to speak out publicly about sensitive issues.
“Citizens need to be encouraged to face corruption and they need to be shown that it is possible to fight it after all. In order to achieve that, citizens need to see that there are anti-corruption bodies that will support them and that those bodies have results in preventing corruption“, said the IPAK project Team Leader, Zoran Jačev. In order to improve the communication of anti-corruption bodies with the media and NGOs, IPAK project experts developed a training model and the draft strategy for good communication, which was considered jointly with the journalists, and representatives of anti-corruption bodies and non-governmental organisations.
In addition to the strategic approach, the discussion also revolved around introducing a model of communication via world wide web and digital platforms. Only one of the 14 anti-corruption bodies and institutions has its web page, while others predominantly publish information on their activities on the web sites of governments.
The need for journalists to pay more attention to prevention of corruption was pointed out, particularly in view of the fact that media are among the important stakeholders in fight against corruption.
The European Union is financing the Support to the implementation of anti-corruption strategies project – IPAK, with EUR 750,000, intended as assistance to the competent anti-corruption institutions at all levels. The Project will ensure harmonised work of institutions, private sector, civil society organisations, citizens, and the media, in order to help and improve implementation of anti-corruption measures.