The value of gross fixed capital formation in fixed assets of legal entities in Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2017 was 4.920.756 thousand BAM, while in 2018 the value was 5.251.464 thousand BAM, which represents an increase of 6,72%.
According to BiH’s Agency for Statistics, the value of gross fixed capital formation in new fixed assets in 2017 was 4.212.884 thousand BAM, while in 2018 the value is 4.741.768 thousand BAM, which represents an increase of 12,55%.
Regarded by activity of an investor (EU NACE Rev.2) the greatest shares in the total gross fixed capital formation in 2018 were recorded in manufacturing 18,85%, public administration and defense 16,36%, wholesale and retail trade, repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles 14,25%, electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply 8,95%, information and communication 7,01%.
Regarded by activity of an investor, the greatest shares in the total gross fixed capital formation in new fixed assets in 2018 were recorded in manufacturing 18,48%, public administration and defense 17,42%, wholesale and retail trade, repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles 13,07%, electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply 9,91% and information and communication 7,44%.