A yellow warning for the entire territory of Bosnia- Herzegovina was issued due to rainfall and thundersorm. Mostly cloudy weather this morning in BiH, the lowest air temperature was measured on Bjelasnica Mountain, while the warmest was in Neum.
Today in Bosnia-Herzegovina, mostly cloudy weather. Rain is expected in the second half of the day. Most of the precipitation is mainly in Herzegovina and southwestern Bosnia. The expected rainfall in these parts is 30 to 60 liters per square meter. In most parts of Bosnia-Herzegovina, light rain is possible during the night.
Wind of moderate strength and of southern direction, occasionally there will be heavy gusts.
The highest daily air temperature will be 23 degrees Celsius, is forecast by meteorologists of the Federal Hydrometeorological Institute of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FHMZBiH). Mostly cloudy weather in Sarajevo. Rain is expected in the afternoon as well. The highest daily temperature around 23 degrees.