Due to low temperatures in the area of eastern, southeastern, central and southwestern Bosnia, a yellow meteorological alarm is in force.
Thus, the minimum air temperature between -9 and -5 degrees Celsius is forecasted for the Livno area, the minimum air temperature between -7 and -4 degrees Celsius in the Sarajevo area, and around -6 degrees in the Visegrad and Foca area, which is why the yellow
Moderate to mostly cloudy weather will prevail in Bosnia today. In Herzegovina, it will be sunny with small to moderate clouds. In the afternoon, light rain is possible in some parts of the eastern parts of Bosnia. Wind weak to moderate, north direction. Daily air temperature from 3 to 9, in the south up to 12 degrees Celsius. It will be moderate to mostly cloudy in Sarajevo. The daily air temperature around 4 degrees Celsius.