The Chief of the Municipality of Srebrenica, Camil Durakovic, emphasized that a pleasant climate for investments has been created in this municipality, after which new investments of private companies from last year enabled opening of around 200 workplaces.
Durakovic said to reporters that new investors are building manufacturing facilities for launching new manufacturing programs, so the direct employment of around 100 employees is being expected, and several dozens more indirectly, especially in agriculture.
Durakovic said that manufacturing facilities and refrigerators for the storage of fruits and vegetables, which are being built at the area of Skelani, will provide the employment of certain number of employees in that undeveloped and remote area, and provide a safe purchase of all agricultural products from that area, where the growing number of households dedicate to the intensive agricultural production.
On that area, besides milk, raspberry and other berries, various types of essential oils, herbs, jams and other fruit spreads, sour vegetable salads, dried plums and pears, vinegar, milk products, honey and other bee products are already being produced, packed and shipped to the market, and also the number of livestock is increasing.
“In the last year, Municipality of Srebrenica provided around 270.000 BAM for the stimulus and the development of agriculture, 300.000 BAM for the rehabilitation and partial reconstruction of local roads and 550.000 BAM for paving several roads“, said Durakovic.
He said that the Municipality provided these funds individually or in the cooperation with Ministries of RS, other levels of the Government in BiH and other partners.