For now, they have production in Prijedor, Doboj and Gracanica, and the entire production process takes place under the control of the co-owner and partner of the company, Goran Udovicic.
More and more furniture is bought online, so the crowd at the current 58th Belgrade Furniture Fair is smaller, and manufacturers offer discounts of up to 20 percent in their facilities.
Marina chair is the winner of the first fair award for design “Golden Key” (”Zlatni kljuc”). It is produced in Doboj. It costs 600 euros in Belgrade, 1.200 euros in Manhattan. It is made of walnut and cow hide leather.
”We have been aware of what our people have been doing for years and what kind of quality we have both in the design itself and in the quality of the wood itself, processing, manufacturing, but in recent years everyone has been basking in our glory, the Italians, the Danes. And then it was – why don’t we take the power and put it back in our hands, let’s do it ourselves,“ toldSlobodan Todorovic from “MOKU furniture – which also makes Marina chairs”.
They say that if they had four times more production, they would sell everything.
“MOKU Artisan Furniture” is an American company and has been working exclusively on this market for the last four years. This year they decided to enter the European market, and started from Sarajevo.
For now, they have production in Prijedor, Doboj and Gracanica, and the entire production process takes place under the control of the co-owner and partner of the company, Goran Udovicic.
”We differ from many other manufacturers as we do not use any chemicals or varnishes. Everything is finished with natural oils. Why change something that nature created perfectly, and our jobwas to just fit it into one beautiful composition in the form of furniture,” adds Udovicic.
Although it is an American brand, the owners of “MOKU Artisan Furniture” point out that the designers are from Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) and Serbia, and the wood is exclusively from BiH.
Namely, the export of wooden furniture in the first eight months was worth 232 million dollars and increased by eight and a half percent compared to last year. It is lower in tons, but the 40 percent increase in prices has offset the earnings, Avaz reports.