The B&H Minister of Justice Bariša Čolak and the Turkish Minister of Justice Sadullah Ergin signed in Sarajevo today an agreement on legal assistance in criminal matters between B&H and Turkey and an agreement on extradition between B&H and Turkey.
After the signing, Čolak expressed satisfaction and gratitude to the Minister of Justice of Turkey because ‘’two very important agreements between the two countries were signed, which would greatly enhance cooperation’’. According to him, the agreements are significant not only for the ministries, but also for the citizens of both countries.
After the signing, there will be a ratification procedure that should be completed by 2014. Through the use of these agreements, it will make the struggle against all forms of crime more effective.
At the same time that the agreements were signed, the delegation of B&H and Turkey will hold discussions for conclusions and an agreement on mutual recognition and execution of court decisions in criminal matters.
(Source: Fena)