Instead of the announced reduction of salaries and number of employees in the administration, the government of Fadil Novalic set new records last year in both categories, according to the results of analysis on “the moratorium on recruitment” that was conducted by Istinomjer.
In his address from almost two years ago, the Prime Minister of FBiH Fadil Novalic announced the following:
“The first measure will be the adoption of a moratorium on employment in the public sector. This measure will be in force until further notice, and the intention is to reduce the number of employees through the natural outflow of the workforce, and to further reduce costs for salaries in this way as well.”
Although the moratorium on recruitment in the FBiH was officially in force in the past year, institutions that are financed from the entity budget got a total of 461 new employees in 2016.
Thus, the total number of employees in this category amounted to 7360 and it even exceeded the number of 7,157 employees that was recorded in 2011.
This is also the biggest increase when it comes to the number of employees “on the budget” that was recorded in the last five years. In the previous term, the number of employees in the year of 2011 was increased by 132 people, in 2014 by 15 employees, while in the other two years it even recorded a slight decrease.
Data regarding the number of employees and the amount of budget expenditures for salaries and benefits in 2016 is available in a document that was prepared by the Civil Service Agency of FBiH “The system of the civil service in the FBiH: Challenges and Prospects”, which was recently presented to the Government of FBiH and adopted at its 94th session.
According to this document, together with the number of employees, the cost of their salaries and allowances were proportionally increased as well, in approximately identical proportion (almost 7 %). The current Government of FBiH once again managed to surpass the previous one, because the realized expenditures amounted to 217.5 million BAM for salaries of budget users in 2016, which was also higher than in any year before.
This means that, in comparison to 2015, for the salaries and fees in the last year was paid a total of 14 million BAM more from the budget of FBiH.
Thus, as we can see from the analysis, the promise of the Prime Minister Novalic that with the introduction of the moratorium will be reduced number of employees and costs of salaries and benefits from the budget, was definitely broken in the previous year.