Bosniak member of the Presidency of BiH Bakir Izetbegovic met with the chief of OSCE mission in BiH Fletcher Burton. They talked about the current political and economic situation in BiH and about the current activities of OSCE in BiH.
Izetbegović thanked Burton for OSCE’s contribution in BiH.
He added that OSCE can further help with various integration processes within BiH, in the Western Balkans, as well as on the Euro-Atlantic path of BiH.
They also talked about the readiness of for the accession of Croatia to the EU.
Izetbegović and Fletcher concluded that BiH must make all efforts to create a good business environment.
Bosniak member of the Presidency of BiH said that he hopes that rhetoric of questioning statehood of BiH will stop, because it greatly damages everyone in BiH.
After the meeting, they said that in the next year there will organize a memorable anniversary of one hundred years since the beginning of the World War I, which would be the best send the World a message of peace.