The ballet play “Mali maslačak” of the composer Josef Bayer and J.Strauss will be held on 29th April at the Center for Culture “Sarajevo” at 19:30.
The reason for introducing this project is for children to come closer to the art of ballet.
This project is designed for preschoolers from 3-5 years old and for pupils of primary schools from the first to third grade.
The aim of this project is to develop an aesthetic culture of young people through activities that are not part of the academic process. The expected results are to come closer to this form of art, which is very appreciated in the world of the young audience.
This project is organized and conducted by the Center for Culture “Sarajevo”. The music for this show is done by studio ANTIKA, Hamdija Salihbegović and Nedžad Merdžanović, project coordinator is Amila Pandžić, graphic design and technical realization by Rešad Hadžibajrić, set design and costumes by Narda Nikšić and choreography and directing by Brižita Karabašić.
Pupils of primary music school “Mladen Pozajić” Sarajevo will participate in this play. Municipality Center Sarajevo is the sponsor of this show.
(Source: Fena)