According to the Association of Citizens Zašto Ne and the third month report of “Istinomjer” (, the parties currently in government did not realize any of their promises in the pre-election campaigns.
Parties which formed the Council of Ministers, The RS Government and the FB&H Government gave in total 1.569 pre-election promises. In the first quarter of 2014, the government at the state and entity levels worked on 190 promises, but only 37 in this period were given a new evaluations for fulfillment. Moreover, from these 37 promises, in 8 of them there was a deterioration of evaluation and 29 promises received better evaluation.
Currently, from 1.569 promises in total, 72.1% of them have the small possibility for the fulfillment until the end of the mandate, and in the category of partial possibility there are 22.7% promises. However, only 5.2 % of promises are situated in the category characterized with a good chance of fulfillment until the end of the mandate. From January until March 2014, none of the promises was characterized as fully fulfilled.
The greatest number of promises in which the positive shift was noted in the period of January-March 2014 refers to the primary measures, which should have been taken a long time ago by the executive authorities. In addition, some of those measures were announced by the parties themselves as urgent in their election programs from 2010.
However, many of them were taken in the moment when the dissatisfaction of the citizens was shown on the streets of B&H cities, or after the particular social categories, for instance fighters or pensioners, threatened with protests if their status does not change for the better.
The Council of Ministers of B&H was the least active in the fulfillment of the pre-election campaigns in the last three months and it fulfilled only 4 promises at the state level.
In the FB&H, the government worked on 87 promises, from which 21 received new evaluation.
In the RS, until the end of March 2014, 83 promises were worked on, from which 12 promises received a new evaluation.
(Source: Fena)