Minister for Human Rights and Refugees, Semiha Borovac, met with the Vice Governor of the Council of Europe Development Bank (CEB), Mr. Mikolaj Dowgielewicz, in Sarajevo regarding the Project of closing collective centers in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Regional housing care program, which is funded by the CEB in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Minister Borovac said that the project of closing collective centers is one of the priority projects of the Ministry of Human Rights and Refugees.
She emphasized that it is a very complex project which includes 70 sub-projects and is being implemented in 40 municipalities. She added that the project includes the closure of 122 collective centers in B&H, with the construction of 82 residential buildings that will permanently solve the problem of care for about 2,700 families, or about 7,500 people.
Vice Governor Dowgielewicz expressed satisfaction with cooperation with the Ministry of Human Rights and Refugees on these projects. He added that further efforts at the entity level to remove administrative barriers for the implementation of projects, especially the Regional Housing Programme.
Minister Borovac informed the Vice Governor Dowgielewicz that the selection of beneficiaries of the project, from 26,000 applications received, is at the end. She added that, in collaboration with UNHCR, 170 users have been selected for the first phase of the project, and 650 users for the second phase, and that they are waiting for their formal verification by the entity commissions.
She emphasized that B&H has already completed administrative procedure to exclude grant funds for the implementation of the first phase of the Regional Housing from paying VAT, and that the Ministry for Human Rights and Refugees will initiate the procedure of exclusion of the entire project from payment of VAT, in order to shorten administrative procedures and speed up its implementation.