The Assembly of the Sarajevo Canton is considering the Draft Budget of the CS for 2022, in the amount of 1,220,787,840 BAM.
The total revenue potential in the Budget Proposal, as presented to the representatives of the Sarajevo Canton Assembly by the Minister of Finance of CS Davor Cicic, in relation to the Draft Budget is higher by 119,492,360 BAM and amounts to 1,220,787,840 BAM.
In the structure of total revenues, the largest increase relates to revenues from indirect taxes belonging to the Sarajevo Canton – 71,792,533 BAM, due to increased collection of this type of revenue in the CS Budget, while income tax revenues, which also recorded growth, increased by 25,404 .600 BAM.
“The Sarajevo Canton government has taken the position that revenues from indirect taxes belonging to Sarajevo Canton and income tax revenues have been underestimated in the revised projections of public revenues of the Federal Ministry of Finance and has decided to increase them,” Cicic said.
In the Proposal of the Budget of the Sarajevo Canton for 2022, there was an increase in credit funds in the total amount of 22,267,984 BAM.
The budget also includes the amount of the base for salaries in the amount of 330 BAM.
“In the revenue part, revenues from income tax in the amount of 25,404,600 BAM and revenues from indirect taxes in the amount of 71,792,533 BAM, which amounts to a total of 97,197,133 BAM and also increased credit funds (receipts from domestic debt ) in the amount of 22,267,984 BAM. Therefore, the final Budget of CS for 2022 after all changes is 1,220,787,840 BAM “, said the Minister.
As for borrowing for projects financed from foreign loans, which include projects of relevant ministries financed from that source – one of these projects is the Project for the rehabilitation of the water supply system CS worth 25 million euros (EBRD) – and there There have also been some changes and it is necessary to plan the amount of IPA grant funds in the amount of 4 million euros.
Also planned are projects for the construction of the University Library worth 17.187 million euros, the construction of city roads I and IX transversals worth 30 million euros (EBRD), the renewal of the public transport fleet worth 15 million euros (EBRD) and rehabilitation, reconstruction and modernization of the tram line in Sarajevo in the amount of 20 million euros (EBRD), as well as for energy efficiency – additional financing in the total value of more than 2.5 million BAM and other projects.