In the next period there the construction of around 70 houses for the Roma population is planned, as well as the employment of around 90 Roma. Around 3 million KM is set aside for this project.
That, along with the construction of infrastructure objects and the allocation of funds for health care, would be financed from funds gathered from last year, all so that the position of this population will improve.
At the last session of the Council of Ministers of BiH , information was adopted by the Ministry for Human Rights and Refugees on the activities to protect the rights of Roma. From 2009-2011, through the Action Plan to solve the problem of the Roma population regarding their housing, 9,935,405 KM was allocated.
In addition, currently in process is the implementation of funds from 2012 in the amount of 2,150,000 KM.
‘’In 30 municipalities in BiH over 156 housing units were built, and 210 Roma families used reconstruction infrastructure, water, sewage system and electrical energy’’, according to statements from the Council of Ministers.
They noted that in the period from 2009-2010 over 1.5 million KM has been set aside for the employment of Roma, and that all together there are 212 recorded employed Roma in communities.
In addition, funds from 2012 in the amount from 710,000 KM is set aside to hire 90 more Roma.
Thus, the BiH Council of Ministers should, at the latest by March of this year, prepare a revised action plan to the Ministry of Human Rights and Refugees for BiH Roma to solve problems in the area of employment, housing and health care, incorporating the recommendations of the International Steering Committee of the Decade of Roma Inclusion until 2015.
Dervo Sejdić, an activist for the Roma information center ‘’Kali sara’’, is familiar with all of this.
‘’We expect that already from the end of January there will be public calls from the Institute of Employment in both entities, and with that public calls for the selection of construction companies, and calls that the organizations will publish that have received grants for housing’’, said Sejdić.