The Central Election Commission of Bosnia and Herzegovina (CEC) has established and announced today the final election results after the General Elections 2018, and as of Tuesday, October 23, a three-day deadline for all potential complaints, including a recount of votes, enters into force.
The decision on determining the election results for all levels of power in the parliamentary elections was announced today at CEC’s session. The results were announced two days ahead of the deadline, although this time there was much more work to be done, said the CEC.
As the CEC President Branko Petrić pointed out, the entire counting process was conducted within time limit with great effort, as there was a much larger number of incoming ballots by mail and requests for control, but he assured the public that everything has been documented.
He underlined that the results have also been published on CEC’s website and they contain a tabular presentation, but the distribution of the mandates will be announced after the publication of the verified results in case of possible changes, adding that the complaints can be submitted by representatives of political entities and independent candidates, observers and municipal commissions.
“The request for re-count should include the reasons why it is requested, the article of law that was violated and an explanation on how this incident might influence the election results. All the other submissions without the necessary explanation will be rejected by the CEC,” stressed Petrić.
According to the current results, the required 518 mandates that the candidates ran for have been fulfilled, and according to the results up to date, in the National Assembly of RS there are one two mandates, one for the Bosniak and the other for the Croat people that need to be fulfilled.
In the case of the House of Representatives of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Federation of BiH, three deputy seats from the ranks of the Serb people remain to be fulfilled, and when it comes to the cantonal assemblies, all the necessary deputies have been elected, therefore it will be possible to fill the caucuses in the House of Peoples of the FBiH Parliament, all except the Serb Caucus, because of the required 17, only 15 deputies have been elected, concluded Petrić.
(Source: klix, fena)