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On the occasion of the Statehood Day of BiH in Sarajevo City Hall was organized a joint academy of the National Assembly of Canton Sarajevo, the City Council and the municipal councils of Sarajevo, SABNOR BiH and the Memorial Fund of CS.
Merima Serhatlic-Agarevic addressed deputies, councilors, diplomatic corps and representatives of all levels of government on behalf of the Archives of BiH.
“Today is the day of BH unity. The day when representatives of Muslim, Croatian and Serbian people met in 1943 for the first time in the history of BiH, connected ina solid brotherhood in the uprising with the aim that on the basis of the armed struggle of the Yugoslav peoples and the peoples of BiH, make the political decisions which will pave the path to our people to manage their country in accordance to their will and interests,” said Serhatlic – Agarevic.
She emphasized that on this day in 1943, it was decided that the peoples of BiH through their only political representative office of the Anti-Fascist Council of National Liberation of BiH (ZAVNOBIH) want their country, which is neither Serbian nor Croatian, nor Muslim, but Serbian and Croatian and Muslim, to be free and unique BiH that is equal for all nations that live in it.
She emphasized that BiH got its historical borders back then, same as in time of medieval Bosnia, and BiH was defined as one of the six equal republics of the former Yugoslavia.
Mayor Ivo Komsic presented the award plaques of the City of Sarajevo to Women’s Football Club “SFK 2000” and KUD “Bulbul”, and the award “Graham Bamford” for exceptional civil courage to Muhamed Kunovac.
Female vocal ensemble Corona participated in the artistic part of the program.
(Source: fokus.ba)