Directorate for EU integration organized a workshop for the civil society organizations, where the Questionnaire of the European Commission was presented.
Spokeswoman of the Directorate for EU integration of BiH Marina Kavaz-Siručić said that the aim of the workshop was to present the Questionnaire to the civil society organizations.
“Another aim was to present ways in which civil society can participate in the process of answering the Questionnaire. Exclusive way of participation of civil society in the process of answering the questionnaire will be through the web platform e-consults,” said Kavaz-SIručić.
This is a platform developed by the Directorate with the aim of consulting the civil society for a type of pre-accession assistance.
“Another way is the web platform e-consults by the Ministry of Justice of BiH. The entire Questionnaire will be posted on these two platforms by the end of the year and civil society organizations will have the opportunity to answer the questions,” said Kavaz-Siručić.
Kavaz-Siručić emphasized that all those answers that are methodologically acceptable in accordance with guidelines for preparation of answers will be translated to English language and forwarded to the European Commission together with answers by institutions.
Functional dialogue with representatives of civil society and participation of citizens in the process of creation and implementation of public policies is an important element of the process of EU integration, stated the Directorate.
Participation of civil society in the accession process contributes to better understanding of necessary reforms in BiH and thus it is necessary to involve the civil society organizations in the process of answering the EU Questionnaire, in addition to relevant institutions.
BiH received the Questionnaire on December 9 and it is an official document with which the EU evaluates the readiness of BiH to start the process of accession. In other words, the EU obtains an insight into the implemented reforms and harmonization of domestic legislature with European legislature in all chapters of acquis. Delivery of the Questionnaire was preceded by the submission of application for membership in the EU by BiH in February 2016.
All civil society organizations in BiH had the right to participate in yesterday’s informative workshop.